Safety Netting & Edge Protection

safety netting, edge protection, debris netting

Safety Netting & Edge Protection

Safety Netting & Edge Protection ensures the safety of workers and the security and confidence of the public. TNT's fully trained CSCS Safety net Riggers can provide and install safety netting to virtually any building or structure no matter how complex.

  • Ensures Safety.
  • Can be fit to any Building.
  • Can be used in Conjunction with Debris Netting.
  • Edge Protection Spans of upto 10m, accomodating modern warehouse bay sizes.
  • Allows Unhindered Movement, better than Traditional Harness & Line.
  • Fully Trained CSCS Safety Riggers.
  • All Netting is Safety Checked before any Project (EN1263-1).
safety netting, edge protection, debris netting

Safety & Debris Netting

TNT often combine safety netting & debris netting, this not only protects workers from falls but also provides material containment & protection for those below.

safety netting, edge protection, debris netting


TNT can adapt and install safety netting to fit any building or structure & all roofing/flooring situations.